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Should You Install a Chair Lift or an Elevator?

Elderly person deciding between a stair chair or an elevator

3 Things to Consider When Choosing Between a Chair Lift or an Elevator

Should you install a chair lift or an elevator? Which mobility aid will work best for your needs? This is not a decision you should make lightly. You must carefully consider which mobility aid is ideal for your personal situation. Which option adapts best to your needs, the needs of your friends and family, of your employees or clients. Here is a list of tips on both modes of mobility to help you make the wise choice.

What Is a Chair Lift?

A chair lift is securely attached to a rail that is installed directly on the stairs. Controls are located at both the base and the top end of the rail, enabling the user to bring the chair to their position. A third point of control is easily accessed on the arm of the chair, enabling the user to move the chair up and down the stairs.

The user sits safely on the chair until they have reached the top of bottom of the staircase. It comes with a quality safety belt, as well as armrests for comfort, assuring stability once the chair is in motion.

A chair lift is extremely safe and easy to use. It is manufactured with durable and robust materials. A detection sensor is located on the feet rests, in the event that it encounters any obstacles or items, and stops the chair mid-movement.

Chair lifts run on a battery, ensuring it’s reliability, even during a power outage.

Chair lifts come in a variety of styles, easily suiting your home decor. They are easy to install and the chair folds up, leaving easy, safe access to the stairs when it is not in use.

What Is an Elevator?

We are all familiar with elevators These platforms allow users to be safely transported from one area of a building to another, without leaving your wheelchair. The user simply needs to advance or back out of the elevator cabin. These installations work with a cable set up or a hydraulic system.

These lifts are solid, discreet and silent, easily integrating into the decor of your home or office, all the while offering absolute safety.

Which Option Should You Choose – A Chair Lift or An Elevator?

Your choice of mobility lift greatly depends on your needs:

Who Is the User?

Most chair lifts are generally used by the elderly. These chairs require that a person can easily sit themselves into the chair, as well as get out of them afterward. They are ideal for older ones who although mobile, have difficulty to climb stairs or require the help of a cane.

Elevators are ideal for those bound to wheelchairs, as they can get the user from A to B without leaving their chair. Elevators are useful for all people, of all circumstances which make them a great choice for any home or office. Whether the user is elderly, reliant on a wheelchair or someone pushing a stroller, elevators provide transport effectively and safely for all.

The Location and the Budget

One must also consider the location before choosing a model of lift. Chair lifts can be easily and quickly installed by a professional. Chair lifts are an affordable, reliable, elegant option and easily adaptable to the settings of the home or office.

Elevators are well used in both public and commercial establishments. They are also readily available for residential use and offer an array of options when it comes to conception, finishing and options. They do however require a larger area for both installation and use, and require more manipulation.

Ask A Professional for Advice

Still feeling unsure about which model of lift best suits your needs? Contact our specialists at Élévaction; educated, sincere individuals that are dedicated to helping you select the best option for your personal needs. Not only will they help you find the right model, they will also help install, maintain and, repair your lift in the event that your machine requires it. Your mobility is our absolute priority.